We believe in the essence of our culture and passion developed through our history, as magical forces and differentiating factors that push us to go further.
– CEO Mítico
At Mítico we want you to enjoy all the magic of the aroma and flavor of the best Colombian specialty coffee, and because one is not enough, at Mítico we offer you packs according to your needs and so that you always have available the coffee you like the most.
1. Explore the unique profiles of each Mítico Coffee.
2. Choose from our pack options and build yours.
Coffee & Cycling Experiences
The Real Coffee Masters
Gerardo Medina
Conservation, high quality, and perseverance. These 3 characteristics describe the family Medina-Lopez, the growers of La Telaraña farm. They are a perfect […]
Victor Gutiérrez
Víctor Gutiérrez is a true survivor of the Colombian armed conflict. His Farm, El Mirador, is located in Planadas, Tolima, a region […]
Diana Zambrano
Diana and Edward, her husband, are two resilient farmers from Planadas, Tolima, Colombia, who together with their two children, have successfully developed […]
Andres Jaramillo
Andres comes from a family with a coffee tradition from the municipality of Salamina, Caldas, Colombia. Continuing with the work of his […]
Our Values

Create Community
Mitico reach out the global cycling community to all the processes, from coffee and cycling development to their impact on the environment (Colombian specialty coffee growing families and youth cycling programs).

Connect with our Culture
We make visible families,
farms, regions and coffee histories, as well as sports development processes,
both supported by coherent
and sustainable programs.

Keep our History
& Culture alive.
We contribute to the development and specialization of specialty coffee growers and young cyclists, providing support that allow them to be increasingly competitive and adapt to a global and changing market.