The Coffee

Discover the magic of Mítico Condor Single Origin Coffee, a testament to Colombian coffee craftsmanship from Victor Gutierrez in Planadas, Tolima. Delight your senses with its enchanting floral fragrance, enriched by the nuances of vanilla, caramel, and almond. With a medium citrus acidity, velvety body, and a sweet, lingering finish, every sip transports you to the vibrant coffee landscapes of Colombia. Let the legend unfold in your cup.

  • Family: Victor Gutiérrez
  • Farm: El Mirador
  • Region: Planadas, Tolima
  • Elevation: 1,700 m.a.s.l
  • Variety: Caturra.
  • Process: Washed.
  • Fragrance: Caramel, Floral.
  • Aroma: Vanilla, Floral.
  • Acidity: Medium Citric.
  • Residual: Sweet and Elegant.
  • Roast: Medium
  • Profile: Floral fragrance with vanilla, caramel and almond flavors, medium citric acidity, creamy body and a sweet and subtle finish.

The Family

Víctor Gutiérrez is a true survivor of the Colombian armed conflict. His Farm, El Mirador, is located in Planadas, Tolima, a region of fertile land and courageous people, but with a history of violence that only began to change a few years ago allowing farmers like Victor to get to work and grow their crops.

Victor is an entrepreneur and resilient man, from having to carry bulks to survive, he has become a positive leader in his village, and a coffee producer who, through much effort, discipline, study, dedication and making use of good agricultural practices has come to have one of the best coffees in the region.

Victor has recently been awarded for his coffee, which has given him extra motivation to continue working on its development, and thus offer us a delicious and balanced specialty coffee.


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